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October 10, 2017 Minutes


October 10, 2017        

The Board of Education, Community Unit School District No. 1, 149 South Elm Street, Winchester, Illinois counties of Scott, Morgan and Greene, met in regular session on Tuesday October 10, 2017 at 7:30 PM in the Board of Education office located at 149 South Elm Street in Winchester, Illinois.

President Steve Moore called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Ron Coultas, Steve Weder, Phyllis McGuire, Trista Freeman, Jody Clanton, Joe Little and Steve Moore.  Also present were Superintendent David C. Roberts, WHS Principal Denny Vortman, WGS Principal Andy Stumpf, District Bookkeeper Angie Slagle and Administrative Assistant Becky Lashmett.


Coultas motioned, with a second from Little, to approve the minutes of the September 12th regular meeting.  Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to approve the financial reports and bills to be paid.  Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Mr. Stumpf and Mr. Vortman reported on the various activities and upcoming events.  Mr. Roberts announced the REAP Grant is expected to be around $25,000 this year.  He also noted the County has granted permission to place our bus radio repeater on their tower, and that he was going to meet with the Bluffs superintendent to discuss “opening up dialogue”.


Mr. Roberts announced the Community Open House is scheduled for October 11th, with a recognition ceremony at 6:30.  It was noted that all remaining punch list items were scheduled to be completed before the WIT in January.                                                                             


Coultas motioned, with a second from McGuire, to make public the executive session minutes from January through June of 2017.   Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Little motioned, with a second from Freeman, to approve the annual requests to use the facilities for youth softball pitching practice and youth basketball league practice.   Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


A first reading was conducted on the proposed revision to current Board Policy #208 - Public Participation.  The second reading and action on adoption will be held in the November meeting.

Page 2,  October 10, 2017 minutes


President Moore asked the status of any outstanding Freedom of Information requests, and Superintendent Roberts reported there were none pending, as two had been completed; the South Scott Federation of Teacher had requested administrative salary packages, and a statewide research group had requested debt information.  President Moore then asked for questions or comments from the audience, and Candy Miller requested to schedule the fall board/teacher consultation meeting.  Little and McGUire will represent the Board and will meet at 5:30PM on November 14th.                                                                                                                


Clanton motioned at 8:13 PM to enter into executive session for personnel and student discipline matters and Coultas seconded the motion. Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Clanton motioned at 9:08 PM to return to open session, with a second from Freeman.  Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


Clanton motioned, with a second from Little, to employ Sherri Deeder from October 1st through the end of the first semester as WGS Vocal Music teacher; to approve an overload WHS Choir class for Austin Wilson for the 2017-2018 school year; and to approve Sami Killebrew as Play Director and Drama Club sponsor.   Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Little motioned, with a second from McGuire, to approve the Performance Goals as presented for the Principals.   Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.

Coultas motioned, with a second from Weder, to grant Andy Stumpf fifteen vacation days in his contract.   Roll call vote resulted: Coultas, yea; Weder, yea; McGuire, yea; Freeman, yea; Clanton, yea; Little; yea and Moore, yea; there being seven yeas and no nays, the motion passed.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.